It’s been SO long since I did a reading post!  I missed these!  I think the last one I did on the blog must have been a couple (gulp, THREE) years ago! In between time, I did a lot of book posts to Instagram and you can find them archived under my hashtag #fayesreads.  You can also see a lot of them in my story highlight “Books.”

I didn’t read a whole lot in October because I got entranced watching the show Alone with David.  (A lot of these were books I finished this month.)  Man, I am a sucker for a good survival show. I missed my evening reading time and being able to get up in time for you know…sunrises and such. I had to stop watching Season 3, but David is giving me all the spoilers! (The last winner lasted 84 days!)

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Here are the things I did read (or am currently reading) in October!

Jane of Lantern Hill

Jane of Lantern









If you followed me on Instagram, you guys know I have been on an L.M.  Mongtomery binge. I read the whole Anne series this summer as I recovered postpartum. I started in the last weeks of pregnancy with a book called Marilla of Green Gables, a newly written prequel to the series (not by L.M, obviously).  That book inspired me to read Anne of Green Gables afresh, which then made me conclude that postpartum recovery was the perfect time to read the whole series.  Some of the books were a little slow, but it truly was a wonderful experience.  I now have a full Anne-world in my head that I was sad to leave when I closed the last pages of Rilla of Ingleside.  L.M. Montgomery surprised me with the drama in that book!

When I didn’t know what to do with my life after that, my followers on Instagram said I just HAD to read Jane of Lantern Hill.  You guys were right, I LOVED IT!  One thing I realize about myself as a reader is how much I love descriptions of domestic life…it’s just so cozy and comforting.  Which is one of the big reasons I read for pleasure: the comfort factor.  This book also had that beautiful character development and those poetic descriptions of the natural world that are so signature to L.M. Montgomery.  I can’t wait to read this one to my girls!

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism









I mentioned this book briefly in my previous post.  I actually had already read Cal Newport’s book Deep Work, which touched on this idea of digital distractions.  It wasn’t till a friend sent me a link to a podcast with Cal that I found out about his newest book, Digital Minimalism.  I am so interested in how technology, specifically the use of personal devices are affecting our culture.  (The books Ten Ways Your Phone is Changing You and The Big Disconnect mentioned in this post explore that idea.)  This book goes into the practicals of how to apply a more minimal approach to technology.  I think this book is a great read; it helped me break through some of the preconceived ideas that were blocking me from further decluttering my digital world.










This is one of those books that already feel like it’s a part of me! This doesn’t surprise me at all since one of my favorite books of all time (For the Family’s Sake) is written by her daughter, Susan.  I love having a missionary biography in my morning reading basket. This is the story of Edith and Francis Schaeffer and how they established a retreat center in Switzerland where people struggling with questions about the Christian faith could think, rest, and process.  They did this all with no missionary support.  It was prayer and checks in the mail! The impact in their generation was phenomenal; countless souls were won for Christ through their faithful discipleship. Since I started reading missionary biographies, one thing that has really stood out to me is how these people had worldwide impact without the thing that everyone is always telling us we “need” (social media.)  Audacious faith, prayer, and letters in the mail…that was their platform!

Prince Caspian, The Horse and His Boy

Prince Caspian









One of my reading goals last year was to read more C.S. Lewis, particularly the Chronicles of Narnia, which I had never read! I made it through three books and got stuck at Prince Caspian. Not that these books aren’t great…THEY ARE.  I have just always struggled to be interested in any form of fantasy, which really left out greats like Tolkien and Lewis from my reading life.    However, I love C.S. Lewis’ voice and British humor, so those kept me going when I stalled a few times.  Fortunately, we are reading through the entire Chronicles of Narnia for homeschool this year. Reading aloud from chapter books is one thing I decided to outsource in our homeschool this year (prolonged reading aloud with a noisy/fussy/needy baby in the room makes my head explode).  It’s actually the best idea, because it turns out the Chronicles of Narnia are 1000% better when read in a proper British accent! The girls and I are enjoying these as we do dishes and fold laundry.

Oxcart Man

Oxcart Man





I decided I wanted to add children’s literature to this post, so I am going to mention one favorite picture book or juvenile fiction at the end of each of these reading posts.  I am collector of Barbara Cooney picture books and this is one of our favorites for fall.  Each October Ox-Cart Man takes the things that his family has grown and made throughout the year and journeys to city to sell it at the market.  He sells everything including his ox and cart and then returns home to his family with the earnings, tools to invest back into next year’s work, and a bag of wintergreen peppermint candies.  Then they start all over again! The cyclical story line is so gratifying, and the illustrations of course bring it all together.  Every children’s library needs this one!

Happy October reading, friends!

If you enjoyed this post, I think you’ll love my free download, The Ultimate Homeschool Mama Book List!

For an archive of I’ve read through the years, you can go here.  To see all of the curated book lists on my blog in one place, click here.

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